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Transcript: Podcast: Scott Horton: “4/5/23 Matt Taibbi on the Danger of Digital Censorship”
February 20, 2024

 For Pacifica Radio, April 6, 2023. I'm Scott Horton. This is Anti-War Radio. [Music] Alright, y'all. Welcome to Show It Is Anti-War Radio. I'm your host, Scott Horton. I'm the editorial director of antiwar.com, and I'm the editor of the book "Hatter than the Sun." Time to abolish nuclear weapons. You find my full interview archive almost 6,000 of them now. Going back to almost 20 years ago, April 12, 2003 at scotthorton.org and at youtube.com/scotthortonshow. Alright, you guys, on the line, I've got the great Matt Teiby from Racket News. It's called now that's Racket.News. Welcome back to the show, Matt. How are you doing, sir? Good, Scott. Very good. Happy to have you on the show here. And man, you keep breaking stories. You've got such great work going on with these Twitter files here. And I know the story has really evolved lately, but I want to start off with the good news. You've got this great piece called People Can Win about how, you know, it seems like the war party, they got all the money. They're organized. They have their way and who are we that disorganized masses to try to object. And yet you show here that actually it's possible when we get our act together, huh? Yeah, I think it also shows, you know, the subject of this piece is that the Department of Homeland Security, after trying to introduce a, what they call the disinformation governance board last year. You remember that was run by that crazy Nina Jankowitz woman who had the Mary Poppins song that she sang on Twitter. They had to shut that down within three weeks due to a public outcry. Then they quietly moved this kind of Orwellian thing to a subcommittee called the MDM subcommittee and sort of tried to keep it going, but out of public view. And it looks like they've shut that down. I think in response to just sort of general public outcry about censorship, maybe the Twitter file stuff and some other things. And I think it just shows that they do respond to where they think the public's attitudes are. Yeah, absolutely. I guess what people got always keep in mind, right, is that whatever's going on here with the Twitter files, somewhere there exists the Google files and the Facebook files and the Apple files and all the rest of it. It's not like they were just picking on Twitter. The difference with Twitter is it was bought by this wild man, independent billionaire. Well, I don't know. He's a Pentagon contractor, but he's independent enough that he decided to give the keys to you, which is something that hasn't happened. Yeah. You and some others. Yeah, I think this is, again, it's straight out of Orwell. They don't want the public to be remembering things. I think tools like the Wayback machine are going to come under siege a little bit. As you say, the searching has become more complicated even on sites like DuckDuckGo. I moved from Google to another search engine a couple of months ago, and it's just bad all around now. I think they just don't want people using the tools that the original free internet idea promised because they want people rooted in the present and sort of glued to whatever official propaganda they're cranking out. That's very scary. Talk to us a little bit about this MDM subcommittee, which you say has now been deleted. Of course, they're going to try to figure out new ways to keep coming back. This is some pretty talk about Orwell. I wouldn't have thought of some of this stuff. Yeah. They had this thing called the MDM subcommittee, and that's misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. The important ingredient here is that last M malinformation. Malinformation is just a euphemism for true, but inconvenient. It's a fact that may be factually correct, but which produces a result they don't like. For instance, in the context of COVID, we saw in the Twitter files that Stanford's Verality Project, which is sort of a clearinghouse for COVID reviews of content. They were very upset about things like true stories of vaccine side effects or what they call true stories that may promote hesitancy. You might have a person who gets myocarditis or some other rare blood disorder as a result of the vaccine, and they might not like that true information. I'm not like an anti-vax person. I think you should be allowed to publish what's true, but they think the public can't handle difficult truths, and they want to manage that for us, which I think is really scary. Yeah, you know, I wonder about this too. You get this from the war party all the time, but they just lie all the time, and they don't seem to think that one of the costs of that is being known as a bunch of liars who nobody believes in anymore. It's the same kind of thing with the vaccines. There are plenty of people who are even pro-vaccine. They just don't want to force it on anyone else and couldn't imagine how in the world that they would have the right to. And then all of those people are smeared as somehow wanting to kill everybody else's grandmother and all the worst people in the world. You can't just tell people who aren't the worst people in the world how deplorable they are all the time when all they're doing is sticking up for what's actually right. Right, and that kind of messaging is so infuriating. You know, I've had the adult deal with some of it lately and higher quantities that I'm used to, but it's the idea that, for instance, let's say you're not, you're opposed to vaccine passports. I'm opposed to vaccine passports. I think that they're kind of a scary idea that it's a step and a direction that we don't particularly want to go in towards something like a social credit system. Like that would be the fear there. I see the real civil liberties concerns, but I think vaccines work and I've vaccinated my kids. But what they're doing is they'll take somebody who's got a political view based on some kind of a principle and they'll try to identify you as supporting this or that cause. It's a more specific cause based on your endorsement of some kind of general principle, which is insulting. And I think it drives people out of their camp and they don't understand that for some reason. Yeah. Now, something that's come up over and over again in these Twitter files is that all these disinformation experts are the worst liars or at least they're completely stupid and get everything wrong. And their whole, this thing was really turned. I think you guys showed it and maybe it took you a little while for this to kind of come out in the files. This really all started with the consequences of Obama's dirty war in Syria, which led to the rise of the Islamic State Caliphate. So then they had to switch sides on that and they came up with all these programs to try to de-radicalize people who were watching ISIS videos on YouTube, I guess, and this kind of thing. And then when that sort of petered out, they needed something else to do with it. So they turned it toward enforcing Russia gate, which was a total lie, 10,000 lies on top of each other. Yeah, as Mike Benz from the foundation for freedom online, who's been a really great source for us, but the way he puts it is counter terrorism, the counter populism, which is really what happened. You had this gigantic machinery that was Pentagon funded or, you know, intelligence funded for years that was designed to do counter proliferation or counter terrorism or whatever. And when the ISIS threat receded a little bit, all these people didn't have anywhere to go. And that's kind of moved the whole program to anti disinformation. And the problem with that is the whole concept of taking the same tools that you were using to go after suspected members of al-Qaeda and apply it to the domestic population and do it by algorithm. You know, they made a lot of mistakes doing that, but more the biggest one is just the conceptual error of viewing the public as this nefarious, uncontrollable enemy, which I think they sort of willed into into being, you know, by doing this. Yeah, that's a very good point. And especially when everything is lies, people believe the earth is flat because the same people who told them it was around or the same people who told them we had to attack Iraq before they attacked us first or whatever other, you know, gigantic pile of lies people are completely lost, don't know what's true at all. They know that they don't trust certainly the government. That's good, but they don't trust each other either. Right. And this is the problem, I think, with the recent Trump prosecution. And you know, I'm going to get in trouble for saying this, but the because of what you're talking about, because the same people who were going after him for a Russia gate and a long series of other investigations that started with something completely bogus. Let's not forget like there was the whole Papadopoulos story, then there was the Steele dossier and Carter Page and all those things were total red herrings that led to the search of Donald Trump's lawyer's office. And then they generated this crazy case that they, you know, they had to basically make a legal argument that it never been made before to charge a felony in this case. I mean, if you're going to do, if you're going to do something as dramatic as indicting your political opposition and attempting to put an ex president in jail, it has to be something really serious and it has to be a really good case. And this plunks both tests, which is going to result in people sort of not believing in the legitimacy of government and fearing it more than they ever have before. Okay, so it got this disinformation complex that of course is what it calls everybody else, right? The Ministry of Disinformation are the biggest liars in the country. And they go from attempting to de-radicalize people from joining ISIS to then enforcing Russia gate narratives and enforcing COVID narratives to then, it's the only silver lining on the Ukraine war is they finally shut the hell up about COVID when they switch their subject matter to Ukraine. Now they're determined to enforce their way on Ukraine too. And I wonder, do you have a lot of examples of that coming up where there's mal information, true truths about Ukraine that are being censored because of how inconvenient they are? We've already published a couple of them. Like one of them we found an intelligence document that was actually intended for, not for Twitter, but for Google and YouTube. And it's kind of an amazing document. It's like a paragraph long, it basically says we assessed that the following accounts were created by the Internet Research Agency and are promoting what they called anti-Ukraine narratives. And then they just had a long list of accounts that they wanted action. And again, this is saying that because something came from a certain source or because it promotes a certain point of view that it's actionable or that it's, you know, or it's wrong, which may not be the case. It may be that, you know, the Russians are saying X, Y, and Z and that may be accurate, right? I mean, you can't just remove something because it happens to conflict with your, you know, your beliefs about the war in Ukraine. And they were already doing that as far back as last year from what we could see. So yeah, I mean, that's definitely a problem. Now, just a few days ago, Musk actually released the source code for Twitter for open inspection. Is that correct? He did. I haven't asked him about this yet though. So I don't really know what it is. And I've actually been a little bit frustrated because people have been making assumptions about it. What I looked at, I have a lot of questions because it just shows a list of things that, you know, reportedly are part of the algorithm. There are various groups of content that say things like civic misinfo or it's like Ukraine list or something like that. But we don't know what the criteria are for stuff getting on that list. I mean, it could be what it looks like. I don't know. But yeah, he did release that. But again, people wouldn't have heard about that if he hadn't opened the code. I'm a little puzzled by the reaction to that. Yeah. I mean, it seems like, you know, he's opening himself up to being corrected here. He's where the code, and after all he inherited the code, right, he bought this company. He didn't write the code in the first place and all that. And maybe he hasn't cleaned it up perfectly fast enough yet. I saw the only complaint I saw so far was that there's a scam where people get organized and all mute, block or unfollow someone at the same time that that then drives that person scored down and makes them, you know, less visible, that kind of thing. So you could see how, you know, third party actors can say, "Oh, here's a journalist we don't like," or "Here's a point of view we don't like." Everybody follow this guy and then next Thursday we're going to all unfollow him at the same time and that's going to, you know, screw his points out, whatever. But that's the kind of thing that now can be corrected because people can see it. Right. Which was the in the pre kind of Twitter files universe. That was what everybody was wondering about. Like, what kind of shenanigans are going on under the hood at these companies? Is there any way we can ever find out? Because even when it involves your own account, you never know, right? When you ask them. So yeah, I mean, he hasn't gone full kimono, open kimono, but I think he's giving the public more information than it had before. Yeah. Well, folks, sad to say they lied us into war. All of them. World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq War I, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq War II, Libya, Syria, Yemen, all of them. But now you can get the ebook, All the War Lies by me for free. Just sign up the email list at the bottom of the page at scotthorton.org or go to scotthorton.org/subscribe. Get all the war lies by me for free. And then you'll never have to believe them again. Hey, y'all, Scott here. Let me tell you about Robertson Roberts brokerage Inc. Who knew artificial bank credit expansion leads to price inflation and terribly dissident distorted markets. 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And this was after the creation of the original OSS, which was the kind of predecessor agency to the CIA. And the idea of that original law was to make sure that the agency didn't do a certain kind of propaganda at home. Like, they were not allowed to actively interfere in the news environment or promote a certain kind of agenda at home. Now the Smith-Munt Act has been shipped away at in the years since. And I haven't talked to a lawyer in a couple of weeks about this, so I'm a little rusty on it. But understanding is that it's been denuded to the point where you can make an argument that they can do this. However, I still think it goes against the spirit of the law and it's never really been tested. I mean, there are some tests coming up now, but I don't think they can do this. I think it's if it's not illegal, it should be. And I don't think they think that way either. I think they certainly, from what we've seen, they believe they have every right to interfere massively in the domestic news environment. All right, it's say it's high war radio. I'm talking with the great Matt Teiby from Racket News about the Twitter files here. And I wanted to ask you about a couple more things here. First of all, we talked before a little bit about how these people, once they're up and going and then the problem kind of fades away, they got to find a new problem instead of going and getting real jobs. So they just kind of go from one thing to another here. And in one of these pieces, I don't know, you write so much, I can't keep track, but you have a whole thing about this NGO industrial complex here, the Aspen Institute and the Atlantic Council and of course, Hamilton 68, if you could talk a little bit about that, all these sort of, they're not non-governmental organizations. I think someone on Twitter said they're next to government organizations or something like that, right? That's a huge part of the civil society organizations. I think that's one talking about it. Well, I think the setup here is there's a think tank in Germany. It's a vehicle that receives money from the US government and other sources, which in turn, funnels money to another think tank, like for instance, the Alliance for Securing Democracy, which in turn will spend money back in the United States on something like Hamilton 68. And this is what I was talking about, massively interfering in the domestic news environment. Now Hamilton 68, which you mentioned was a dashboard that was designed by this think tank that supposedly tracked Russian disinformation. It didn't. We found out because we were looking through the Twitter files and they had this list of accounts that were supposedly Russian. They found it. They reverse engineered it. And it was just a whole bunch of ordinary people mostly. But Hamilton 68 was the source for hundreds of news stories. I mean, I'm going on MSNBC today and in preparation for that, we looked it up. They used this as a source over a hundred times to talk about different bots going after Russian bots doing this and that. So they would call that defensive. They would say, oh, we're just stopping misinformation from overseas. But actually what they're doing is they're creating fake news here at home. And again, I think that's totally improper and illegal. And there should be an investigation. Yeah. And now look, I mean, this whole thing, regardless of what anyone in the audience thinks about Donald Trump, he just never was a Russian man, sure in candidate. That was all made up. Our guest Matt Taibi wrote a book called insane clown president, which was obviously by the title of very rational and sober assessment of Donald Trump and his history and personality and who this guy is. But it's just not true. All the lies that they told about him, just the true things. And that matters. And especially when you have the secret police, essentially the FBI's counterintelligence division accountable to no one falsely accusing the elected president of the United States of treason. He won the election. Who the hell are they to try to do that to him? And that's a big deal. It's a huge deal. And as a reporter, I'm still not over it, frankly. What happened after 2016 and 2017 when not only the FBI and these other domestic intelligence agencies went after Trump, but the press did. I think that was the part that really bugged me was they were sort of propagandizing the story that was totally unconfirmable and had obvious holes in it. And if you tried to say that, you were kind of kicked out of the club a little bit so that they were not only went after Trump, but they undermined things like the free press as a watchdog of the secret police. And they still haven't fixed that problem. That was what got broken in Russia. It has not been fixed. It's been made worse. And it's a problem we're still dealing with today. Yeah, absolutely. All right. So you said you're going on MSNBC later today. I'm curious. This is the first time in how long that you've been allowed back on that station. Six years in six years because of this issue, right? Because you went on the last time you were on there, you said, come on, this isn't real about Russia, right? I didn't even say that. I just said, you know, as reporters, we don't have a lot to go on here. Like we have to confirm stuff and we don't have a lot we can confirm. That was apparently taken as a shot at this story. Interestingly, as I was leaving, I was on with Chris Hayes that night. Rachel came on right after Rachel Maddow and she launched into this monologue that very night, basically saying, well, we can, the steel lassiers out there, if it was fake, the FBI would be saying so. And they're not saying anything. They're not saying anything. Like, and this became the mantra of how they did reporting going forward. Like, as long as they don't tell us it's fake, we can say it's true, which is the opposite of how the business used to work, you know? So yeah, so I was no longer on air. Glenn was no longer on green. Wubble is no longer on air. You know, Aaron Maté. All the critics were kicked off and they kind of promoted people like Malcolm Nance to be the spokespeople on this issue. And that's how they do journalism though. So yeah, it's amazing. And now they're, you know, now that their ratings are in the toilet because of that fiasco, I think, you know, now they're coming back and making me a bet in war and all this stuff. It's ridiculous. Yeah. All right. So now let me ask you about this, man. I was whining to you before about how Twitter put a hard limit on my follower account for months. So, but the thing of it is, is I was wondering what it was that got me in trouble back at the end of last May. We launched this massive Twitter campaign. Call your congressman to support the Yemen War Powers resolution. And there was a whole campaign about that. And I went trying to find it, but you mentioned somewhere or one of your partners here mentioned about foreign government influence. I believe mentioned the Saudi kingdom by name of them intervening with Twitter to say we want less Yemen covered specifically. And I wonder, is there a way to find out whether that they really were stepping on our Yemen campaign last summer? And that's what happened to my Twitter account when my reach got so crushed like that because I was trying to help to lead that. We could try to find that out. I know that there was one, one of the Twitter files people, Lee Fong was kind of looking at the Saudi question, ran some searches on some Saudi names that, you know, worked at the company or were investors. Remember, I think it's the second largest investor both under the previous regime. And now it was a Saudi consortium. So they've had before and still do have a big say in how Twitter is run, or at least they have some. So yeah, that's an interesting question. I haven't looked at it, but we could. We could try. And it didn't have to be necessarily about me, but just how about the Yemen can't wait campaign right when things should have been taken off. Everything went, you know, some put sugar in my gas tank, you know. Yeah, I mean, look, my follower account was basically static for years. So you know, that it's a you should look into that your own the squash and of you, because it's because of Russia gate, right? And find yourself interested. But look, you're, I mean, you got a million some followers now, but you had what happened a million before all this started at least. You know, cover story guy rolling stone for what? 15 years or something like that. So you have a much higher profile than me for them to crush your follower count like that and all that. There's a real plot. There's an email back and forth. What are we going to do with this Taibi guy? He keeps debunking our Russia gate narratives. I guarantee you that's in there, man. It could be it could be something algorithmic. I never know. I haven't tried to look. Maybe I should at some point, but get your buddy, Shelenberger to do your story. Yeah, I'll see what he can do. Yeah, you take the conflict interests there out, you know, but, you know, it, it, look, this whole thing about managing shadow banning people doing visibility, filtering. The one thing I'm glad about is that that was something that we were able to establish definitively right away that they did, you know, so we, we kind of ended that question of, you know, do they do that or not? Now we know and we just pictures of it. That was the end of that story. We know narrative two. I do see people complain and people always assume motive in stupid ways. So never mind that, but I've seen people complain that where's all the coverage of the Israelis and for that matter, the Americans cracking down on the anti war left because there is, you got to go to the left of the Democrats. That's for sure. There is an anti war left in America and a very pro Palestine left and they know from anecdotal history that they got it just as bad as some of these pro Trump right wingers did when it came to shadow banning and actual banning. And so I wonder if you guys got a report coming up on that at some point. I think we were going to try. I mean, the stuff that we've gotten so far almost all of it was sort of accidental or incidental collection of material as we were trying to look for structural issues. Like, for instance, how does the communication system between Twitter, the FBI and the DHS work? How do they talk to each other? Where do complaints go through? Can we find them? Can we not find them? And in the course of looking, trying to answer those questions, we would find individual incidents like Adam Schiff trying to get somebody taken off the site. And we reported some of that stuff, but mostly we were trying to answer large, larger structural questions. Now, in the course of that, what I can say is we didn't see a whole lot in America about going after the left. We saw a lot of kind of going after Trump followers. We did see it, however, in other countries. There were definitely long lists of accounts that they got from government about people in South America, people in Africa, the yellow vest movement. We've seen things about Jeremy Corbyn. A few Bernie things here and there, but not much. But I'm sure if we looked, I mean, look, we've just looked at a fraction of a fraction of what's there. So it's probably under there somewhere, but it doesn't look to me like it was at the forefront of the executives, the highest executives minds recently. Okay, that's interesting. And then, you know, I guess the real reason I bring up Israel is obviously they have such an interest in controlling the conversation about the occupation of Palestine and, you know, the BDS movement and all of these things. And just because it's a foreign country. And I'm really curious about, like I was saying with Saudi and the Yemen campaign before, I'm really interested in this American corporation doing the bidding of foreign sovereigns against American citizens. Yeah, I agree with you. If I had it, I would love to deliver it. I mean, we're somewhat at the mercy of the company in terms of what they give us. It's a question we'd love to answer. We focused first on, you know, on the United States intelligence agency is and law enforcement and what they were up to and how that worked. But certainly other countries do have some kind of they do have a way to communicate with platforms like Twitter and some of that is going on outside of say the corporate headquarters in America, right? Like we've seen communications between offices and Twitter offices in London or other parts of the world and local agencies. So it's we don't know how that works yet. I guess my answer to you is I don't I'm sure Israel is talking the Israeli government is talking to Twitter and Facebook. I know they talk to Facebook because I've seen reports about that. But we just don't know where those conversations are and how that works and, you know, what's being said. I've written in the past Palestinians are always like the canaries in the coal mine for for internet censorship, like whatever tool they invent. They're the first people who get it tried out on. So I bet if we were to look, we'd find it. It was done early with them like, you know, 2014, 2013. So we'll try. But you know, that's it's there's a long list of stuff to look for. Man, well, I got to tell you from here, it's absolutely fantastic work. I read every bit of it and all the Twitter threads and racket dot news, the great Matt Thai E.B. His latest book is hate ink all about the media too. You'll learn a lot from that. Thank you very much, Matt. I appreciate you. Thanks so much, Scott. Take care. All right, Sean. That has been anti war radio for today. I'm your host, Scott Horton. I'm here every Thursday from two thirty to three on K.P.F.K. 90.7 FM in LA. See you next week. Bye. Bye. (upbeat music)

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  • He knows that despite the sanctity of borders which the United States insists on, the US led bombing of Serbia for 78 straight days under Clinton and Albright to break Serbia in pieces, and then recognized Kosovo, a piece of Serbia, which it then used as the base for one of the largest NATO installations in the world. Sergey Lavrov knows that.
  • He knows that in 2008, after the ambassador of the United States, William Burns, now our CIA director, told the White House that "Nyat" means "Nyat." No means no when it comes to NATO enlargement to Ukraine. George W. Bush, Jr. and Richard Cheney said, "We do it." Anyway, he knows that.
  • He ...
Podcast clip: Jeffrey Sachs: Russian ambassador Lavrov knows the dark history of US-Russian relations
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NYT: “How Antony Blinken, America’s Top Diplomat, Became the Secretary of War”

“[…] The two diplomatic correspondents have covered Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken for four years over dozens of trips abroad, including his final one across Asia and Europe last week.

Want to stay updated on what’s happening in Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East? , and we’ll send our latest coverage to your inbox.

Making his final trip as America’s top diplomat last week, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken arrived in Paris, his former hometown, to a hero’s welcome.

France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, proclaimed Mr. Blinken “an eminent servant of peace” at a ceremony at the Élysée Palace before awarding him the country’s highest tribute, the Legion of Honor medal. With its red silk ribbon pinned to his jacket, Mr. Blinken called the medal “the honor of a lifetime.”

It was a very different scene back in Washington a few days later, when Mr. Blinken gave a final speech before a crowd of foreign policy experts.

“Secretary Blinken! Your legacy will be genocide! You will forever be known as ‘Bloody Blinken, Secretary of ...

Physics: David Fryberger: “A Ball Lightning Model as a Possible Explanation of Recently Reported Cavity Lights”

“[…] The salient features of cavity lights, in particular, mobile luminous objects (MLO’s), as have been experimentally observed in superconducting accelerator cavities, are summarized. A model based upon standard electromagnetic interactions between a small particle and the 1.5 GHz cavity excitation field is described. This model can explain some features of these data, in particular, the existence of particle orbits without wall contact. While this result is an important success for the model, it is detailed why the model as it stands is incomplete. It is argued that no avenues for a suitable extension of the model through established physics appear evident, which motivates an investigation of a model based upon a more exotic object, ball lightning. As discussed, further motivation derives from the fact that there are significant similarities in many of the qualitative features of ball lightning and MLO’s, even though they appear in quite different circumstances and differ in scale ...

Physics: The Untold History of Tesla's "Impulses", Bostick's "Plasmoids", Shoulders "Exotic Vacuum Objects" (EVOs), Keely's "etheric" force, Papp's "Noble Gas Engine", etc.
John Hutchinson, Stanley Meyer, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, Takaaki Matusmoto, and Bob Greenyer

I've primarily studied physics of the 19th-21st century, so I can't provide a detailed accounting of the history of this subject for the period before.  The records before circa 1800 are less complete, less common, and more difficult to decipher due to the unique terminology employed by every single discoverer of this physical phenomena.  Suffice it to say that this phenomena has been harnessed for a long time and observed for a very long time.  Any time you see ball lightning in ancient artwork: you are seeing the record of an observation of a huge macroscopic plasmoid/exotic vacuum object/etc (hereafter referred to mostly as plasmoids for simplicity).  Plasmoids are as natural as sunshine and lightning.  They mostly exist at the microscopic scale beyond our ability to directly perceive.  Occasionally the environment is ripe for mother nature to generate ball lightning as in the Hessdalen lights of Norway.  In extreme situations ball lightning can be a yard/meter in diameter.  During earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in particular, the forces at play are so intense as to be difficult to comprehend.  When the right elements are moving relative to one another with the right dynamics, you get ball lightning.  Unfortunately ball lightning isn't so common as to be readily studied in nature.  Until recent decades it was often considered an urban legend or myth.  Thankfully the advancement of mobile camera technology has dramatically increased the documentation of natural ball lightning.  Once you accept that nature produces such a phenomenon rarely it's only a small step from there to accept that it's possible for humans to engineer the conditions that produces such a phenomenon on command.  Just as we see nature produces light and lightning and we humans also make our own (smaller!) light and lightning.  Ball lightning is what plasmoids are called when you find them in nature.  Plasmoids are what you call ball lightning that's made in a lab.

Let's start with John Ernst Worrell Keely.  By today's standards he's regarded as a quack inventor at best and a fraudster at worst.  By 1872 he had created a sort of steam engine that you need only crank to start, then it would be self-powered by water.  Modern debunkers assert he secretly employed air compressors to drive the apparatus and thus was a complete fraud.  Though a closer look at what he built reveals that he created engines which generated a lot of water cavitation using multiple methods (clever geometry, resonant effects, etc), which means he was definitely making plasmoids.

Any time you're generating a large quantity of water cavitation some fraction of those cavitation bubbles will collapse forming Rayleigh jets with a very fine tip which experiences immense pressures and temperatures and voltage over a infinitesimal area.  Any type of hard sharp punch (including a powerful laser pulse) will produce in electromagnetism what is called a toroidal moment where the electric and magnetic fields bend back into each other, forming a closed tube shape that connects to itself: a hollow doughnut.  This is a semi-stable field configuration that can last from mere moments to at least months depending on the environment.  Macroscopic plasmoids intentionally created in a lab typically last on the order the 2 seconds to 2 minutes.  Plasmoids are readily trapped and kept stable at lower powers in metal lattices for long periods, at least months.

John Keely used a steam engine type design to drive pistons to do work.  In recent years there have been numerous much simpler systems working on the same principle.  Some call them "nuclear siphons" because the cavitation is driving a tiny nuclear reaction by the use of short-lived plasmoids.  This nuclear reaction manifests as anomalous pressure and temperature at the site of the water cavitation.  Using clever geometry it's possible to connect together some mundane PVC water pipes together such that they'll cavitate in a way that pushes water uphill.  Water cavitation is perhaps the simplest low-tech way of generating (tiny) plasmoids and its effects have probably been rediscovered many times by many people.

Nikola Tesla independently discovered plasmoids by circa 1890 when experimenting with high power disruptive electric discharges (not resonating, not oscillating, but just unidirectional periodic sharp pulses of high voltage).  When he placed a single-turn copper helix by the spark gap that coil “[…] become ensheathed in an envelope of white sparks. Undulating from the crown of this coil were very long fluidic silvery white streamers, soft discharges which appeared to have been considerably raised in voltage.”

The sparks surrounding the coil (and the plasma streamers) is a very strong sign that in that configuration he was making plasmoids. This same effect is documented by Takaaki Matsumoto and Ken Shoulders.  Some describe the sparks as forming a kind of Pearl necklace, beads on a string, etc. Closer examination of these “sparks” shows they’re super-tightly-wound plasma structures in the fractal toroidal shape.  It was precisely this "Tesla Impulse" technology that he was designing as the enabling basis for his "Radiant Energy" that he wished to broadcast to all homes without wires.  Pulsed Tesla Impulses are capable of generating very high power radio waves, orders of magnitude stronger than any similarly-powered radio transmitter.

In the 1940s the German's were experimenting with various high-power radar technology (high power continuous radio waves).  There are reports that crossing of two such radar beams (such as when two radar stations track the same enemy plane) would occasionally create macroscopic ball lightning that the allied pilots  called "foo fighters."

In the 1950s the US federal government was spending many billions of dollars on nuclear weapons technology and nuclear technology more generally.  They had achieved nuclear fission.  They had also achieved limited nuclear fusion in the form of hydrogen bombs.  There was considerable effort advanced by Truman in 1953 to use "atoms for peace."  This meant in part that money previously spent exclusively on nuclear bombs and their enabling technology would be expanded to include energy-generation technology of both the fission and fusion types.  At the early part of the atomic age many scientists were optimistic they would quickly find a way to do controlled fusion which can provide unlimited clean energy almost for free.

One scientist working on "atoms for peace" projects was Winston Bostick.  Among other things by 1956 Bostick had created a z-pinch plasma gun that would produce plasmoids on command.  More than any other scientists mentioned in this list, Bostick was an insider to the US nuclear regime.  He was an Chicago-trained nuclear physicist that worked at MIT, Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, etc.

Bostick published several papers and some of his work was discussed in mainstream press.  His line of research into fusion via plasma confinement then goes dark.  It appears likely that his fundamental research successfully led to nuclear energy and nuclear bomb applications.  All knowledge related to high-end weapons and energy systems are tightly controlled by the US federal government.  Remember that scientists made nuclear bombs with pencils and slide rules in the 1940s, so clearly it has to be the case that the key relevant engineering dynamics aren't that complex.  This is why you can't let the information be shared too broadly: you want to maintain a monopoly on advanced weapons and energy technology that gives you an edge over rival nations.  The most advanced technology will be held back as secret for as long as possible, only shown publicly and admitted when forced by events.

In the 1960s engineer inventor Josef Papp created his "Noble Gas Engine."  Papp did not disclose theories for it's mechanism of action and kept key aspects of his design secret.  He was an engineer, not physicist.  The main technical mechanism was a powerful sharp electric arc discharge into a rarified ionized noble gas.  These are the exact conditions that create plasmoids reliably.  Papp had created an engine using thorium sand and noble gases to drive pistons via the force of a coulombic explosion resulting from the quick destruction of a plasmoid created moments earlier.  His engine produced hundreds of horsepower.  John Keely had a century earlier invented essentially a steampunk version of the Papp engine: both derive their motive force from exploding plasmoids.

In the 1970's hobby electronics enthusiast John Hutchison undertook efforts to reproduce Tesla's Impulse experiments.  John had created his own Tesla disruptive discharge devices and had acquired numerous pieces of surplus military radio equipment.  Using a combination of the two John could rarely (at most once after a full day of trying) produce what he called the "Hutchison Effect".  This effect was able to make aluminum glow and bend like putty without being hot.  This effect allowed dissimilar materials to be welded together.  This Hutchinson Effect is one manifestation of the creation of plasmoids inside metals.

Kenneth R. Shoulders was an experimental physicist who worked at MIT, Stanford, and the CIA.  He was an early pioneer of electron beam lithography and inventor of numerous patents.  He's widely recognized as a founder of microelectronic field emission devices.  In the 1980's he committed himself to the study of the "Hutchinson Effect" after urging by Hal Putoff of SRI.  He initially called the phenomena "Electrum Validum" (EV) and later "Exotic Vacuum Objects" (EVOs) when he realized the underlying electromagnetic toroidal moment driving the key aspects of the unusual properties and effects.  He was an excellent experimentalist and successfully designed an apparatus to generate plasmoids on command and vary their intensity.  He wished to disclosed what he learned though was under CIA contract at the time and knew his research would be suppressed if he brought it to them.  To side-step this problem he wrote a book called "EV: A Tale of Discovery" and distributed copies to numerous people.  Since "the cat was out of the bag" it was not possible for his findings to be completely suppressed.  This enabled Ken to file several patents describing apparatus for creating plasmoids.  Even so, Ken's plasmoids remained just as undiscussed outside of fringe circles as Hutchinson, Papp, Bostick, Tesla, and Keely before him.

In 1989 Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons reported detecting excess heat during electrolysis experiments using deuterium-droped palladium electrodes.  This was then reported was "cold fusion".  Their apparatus only produced this effect infrequently.  The specific microstructure of the palladium mattered.  Although unreliable, this method occasionally produced plasmoids though they didn't know it.

In the 1990s Stanley Meyer invented a "water fuel cell" (WFC) that generated HHO gas by using high-voltage low-current pulsed disruptive electric discharges through pure water contained in a space between two steel plates.  The rate of the electric pulses varies the HHO production rate.  While Tesla used relatively much larger and more powerful mechanisms, Meyer used the smallest weakest mechanism that could get the job done.  Meyer's mechanism makes lots of microscopic plasmoids which quickly explode, splitting water as a side effect.

Also in the 1990's Japanese nuclear physicist Takaaki Matusmoto undertook to study the work of Pons and Fleischmann, trying to reproduce and make reliable their discovery.  Takaaki eventually succeeded at producing plasmoids reliably, which he at first called "itonic clusters" and later accepted was the same thing as "ball lightning."  Takaaki's efforts are well-documented in published scientific papers which are reprinted in a book titled "Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse: Collected Papers (1989-1999)."

Since circa 2012 Bob Greenyer has been studying Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) as a researcher at the non-profit Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP)  he formed.  He has a degree in engineering and is a serial entrepreneur with high intuitive genius and vision.  Bob Greenyer undertook empirical studies of artifacts produced in the material directly involved in "over unity" LENR devices and discovered regular shapes and kinetics that led him to intuit the shape and dynamics of the entity producing the marks.  Bob subsequently learned that these shapes and these effects had been produced by many people in many ways.  Bob Greenyer is arguably the most knowledgeable non-experimentalist with respect to plasmoids in the entire world.  If you want to learn about plasmoids you must subscribe to his work.

Plasmoids can be used as batteries/capacitors storing more charge per unit volume than any other known method.  Plasmoids charged with enough amps can be used as super compact coulomb bombs capable of producing nuclear-level explosions without requiring nuclear materials.  Plasmoids can split water.  Plasmoids can do fusion and fission.  Plasmoids sound like magic, hence why they get associated with "over unity" device claims.  Are plasmoid-driven devices "over unity" type "free energy" devices?  Sort of yes, mostly no.  If you only look at the input electricity vs. the output power, then yes they're very much over-unity.  Though in reality plasmoids perform nuclear chemistry and are powered by this.  Plasmoids are tiny little nuclear reactors with the best radiation shield ever devised surrounding them: closed-loop plasma.  Plasmoids consume whatever atoms are nearby (and relic nutrinos), fissioning and fusing them into new atoms.  Depending on the atoms getting fused these reactions can generate more or less energy, as in conventional fusion.

Almost all mainstream scientists accept the model of stars as being powered by fusion that was initiated by the effect of gravity on a large cloud of hydrogen.  Gravity is a very weak force.  If gravity can produce fusion why not the electromagnetic force that is about 40 orders stronger than gravity?  This is what plasmoids do: they harness the electromagetic force to do nuclear chemistry.














































Quest for zero point energy book moray b king:









































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Machine transcript: Podcast clip: Alexander Mercouris on Russia’s major visit to China with all top figures on both sides meeting for historic integration agreements circa May 16th 2024

"Russia is visibly winning the war and The Chinese hosted Putin At a time when he looks like a winner and that is always a good position to be in So I discussed this I discussed this visit in previous programs. I pointed out that Putin has visited his gone to China With most of the top people of his government there below sif and shoy goo Lavrov and ushikith all of the major economics team Manturoth the Overall the person in overall charge of the economy Ali Khan of who's now replacement or off as the industry minister Novak the energy minister Shatnik of the economics minister Oreshkin Putin's aid on economic issues Of course, Silwan of the finance minister and Abulina the central bank chair. They've all gone altogether to Beijing But it's also turned out that a massive delegation or Group of important Russian business people Also joined this delegation so Oleg Dari Paska the aluminium King Eagle searching the head of Rosneft the giant state Owned oil company Gherman Gref once Russia's economics minister now the chair of spare bank Russia's Biggest bank and the bank with which the vast majority of Russians in which the Russian vast majority of Russians have their accounts and by the way from which the vast majority of Russians received their Mircards Caustin the chair of the other giant bank VTB Dimitri F who? runs the Russian direct investment fund the one that seeks to attract foreign investment into critical center sectors of the Russian economy me health son Owner and chair of Novotak major private company. This is an entirely private business But it's massively involved in liquefied natural gas exports Shivalov head of another Bank the E B and by the way Shivalov was also a minister of the Russian government and for a time also first deputy prime minister in overall charge of the economy and Alexander Shorhind a permanent figure Within the Russian political system. He's been there. He's been a presence at the very top of the Russian Hower elite since before the Soviet Union collapsed Anyway, Shorhind who is the president of the Russian Union of industrialists and entrepreneurs Russia's biggest business organization by far so all of these people have been going have been going alongside Putin to Beijing one notable absence by the way, and I wonder why he wasn't there is Miller who is the head of gas prom given the gas prom has perhaps the biggest projects of all With the Chinese the power of Siberia pipelines. I wonder why he wasn't Apparently participating in this trip or perhaps he was perhaps it's just that I Missed him amongst all of these people who went for the record I expect that signatures and completions of the negotiations for the second Paris Iberia Pipeline are coming very soon and of course Michelson is Working on liquefied natural gas exports to Russia which will To China which will take place by sea but virtually again the all the top people in Russian industry and business they've also gone to China and Over the course of this meeting which Went happened with massive pom and ceremony Putin was received At the airport in Beijing by guard of honor But you know the Chinese dignitaries there ready to receive him a stark contrast from the way in which Secretary of State Blinken received when he arrived in Beijing about 10 days ago Anyway, God of honor for Putin massive, motorcaved to bring him to the Great Hall of the people a hug with residency shipping now, can I just say that The Chinese people generally do not do hugs such over demonstrations of affection I'm not really the sort of thing That is part of Chinese culture, but anyway it happened this time sort of public hug of the two leaders private meetings between them And the publication of a gigantic joint statement lasting Running to about 8,000 words I've only seen the Chinese language version which since I don't speak Mandarin I've had to or read Chinese characters. I've had to read in machine translation though. It's essentials are very clear and Anyway, the 8,000 word statement goes into massive detail about the Enormous correlation between China and Russia There's criticisms of the United States its hegemonic policies outright rejection of the rules based international order a Reaffirmation of international law and of the United Nations a rejection of hegemony and all of those things So jet associated with the United States blame For the present disorders in the world clearly assigned to the United States and to the West and an extraordinary list of the various areas where the two countries will cooperate or rather are cooperating in virtually every field of economics science technology social programs what have you and again Chinese and the Russians setting out in this statement that there's a relationship that is tried and true That will last time that it is not up for negotiation With third parties that they will trade and develop their relations without any external interference The Chinese Or perhaps the Chinese and the Russians agreed to insert in this joint statement an absolutely clear cut rejection of any plan by anybody in the West to confiscate the sovereign assets of any government and Of course the government whose assets the West has been manipulating confiscating is The Russian government at the present time, but anyway, absolutely clear cut rejection of all of this and well It's impossible to avoid the impression reading this lengthy statement seeing All of these people who've turned up in Beijing That this is a relationship that is now at its peak That it's going to develop that what we're basically seeing now is the formation of a unified Eurasian space economically a Eurasian economic space and that the primary purpose of this visit as I've said is for all of these important people To become fully acquainted with each other with their opposite numbers in each of these countries all these top Russian people are going to be meeting their equivalence in Beijing and in the case of people like costing Gref searching Dari Paska Mickelson well until recently most of their National business contacts were with people in the West But they're now Having seen those contacts crumble they're going to establish similar contacts with people in China in their place and I think this is extremely important because even as the two economies are starting to integrate and Dovetail with each other we can see that at the highest level the elites of the two countries are Starting to do the same thing so one day once the present crisis is over once the West fully awakes To the nightmare that they've created the formation of a Eurasian space the integration of the Ukrainian economy Eurasian economies the enormous economic boom that that will result the growing economic and geopolitical weight of this Eurasian system one which various intelligent Western figures have been warning about ever since Mckinder in 1904 we did a good program a very good program on the Duran with Alex Kraner Alex Risoforu and I at livestream in fact in which you can see how Alex Kraner discusses this very issue and quotes from what Mckinder was saying about the enormous potential power of Eurasia if it Comes together and jointly industrializes anyway Others have warned about against this jjenski warned against this Henry Kissinger warned against this Henry Kissinger's entire policy of course was to try to keep the Chinese and the Russians apart from each other and put the United States in a trite in position where it could triangulate with the other two well What's happening is all of these worst nightmares of Mckinder jjenski Kissinger and so many others are now starting to come to happen and As I said one day when Western leaders finally understand that and when they perhaps say to themselves that losing Russia was a catastrophic mistake and that they need to re-establish contacts with the Russians and need to try to Pull the Russians back towards Europe and away and the West and away from the Chinese They will find that The moment to do that has gone because Putting aside the trading and economic and Political and by the way military links the joint statement also refers to military links Putting aside all of these links All of these people all of the elites the Chinese elite the Russian elite will have become so Familiar with each other so accustomed to working together with each other They will know each other so well That it will seem for business people in Moscow as natural for them to do their business in China today as It was 20 years ago for them to do their business in Europe So that when the Europeans come back The Europeans will be strange to them Whereas the Chinese will not So this is going to be a huge cultural shift as well as everything else well There it is It has come to pass. I Don't think it's remotely reversible now. I Think the West will have to try to adapt itself to it The fact that soon The Russians will be dominant in Ukraine Will of course only consolidate further these tendencies But anyway It seems to me that these errors in Western policy These attempts as the Chinese and the Russians complain of mention in their joint statement to contain simultaneously both of them They've now Consolidated This Chinese Russian partnership and made it open And it has happened Despite the fact that the West has long understood that this is the greatest The greatest danger to the greatest danger to its dominance in itself We're now seeing the price of Neocompolysis at least the West now is seeing the price of Neocompolysis Russian Chinese relations were to become very good one way or the other even if relations between Russia and the West had remained very good even if relations between China and the West had remained very good They would nonetheless have been a Coming together of the Chinese and the Russians. There was no logic to their confrontation in the 1960s We now know that one of the Soviet officials who Always made that point was the Soviet prime minister of that period Alexei Kasegan the person who Was the political patron of Bellos of father Perhaps Bellos of New Kim himself just saying Anyway, there was always sooner or later going to be an approach more between the Chinese and the Russians But it didn't follow that it would develop into this System that we see emerge today an Actual unified Eurasian space with the Chinese and the Russians Working on building it up together and by the way, I noticed that they're reviving that they're Assisting in some of the projects that many in the West Confited themselves with thinking that they'd been shelved They're pressing forward despite claims to the country with development of their big wide-bauded Transport aircraft the heavy lift helicopter Russians have made it absolutely clear that they are fully involved in both of those projects despite Western claims to the country anyway It didn't have to be this way You could have had a Russia that was friendly and a China that was friendly with the West Even as they were friendly with each other But now you have a West Which is the adversary of an emerging? You create a Eurasian Colossus This is what near-con policies have brought about and I just get to finish with one last thought Over the last couple of weeks we've seen Repeated attempts by Western leaders Western governments to try to influence Beijing in some way we've had visits to Beijing By Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen Secretary of State Tony Blinken We've had a very fraught meeting in France between President Macron of France and Ursula von der Leyen on the one hand and Xi Jinping on the other and all of these leaders Have been trying to get the Chinese to stop exporting dual-use goods as they call them to Russia and If my own assessment of that financial times article by Martin Sandbou is correct trying to get the Chinese to provide tacit agreement to the West's confiscation of Russia's sovereign assets Well even as all of these Western leaders were coming to Beijing or talking to Xi Jinping with these proposals The Chinese would have been working with the Russians on that joint statement It wouldn't have been written 8,000 words of a statement like this are not written up in two days The rup Chinese and the Russians have probably been working on this document for a very long time probably ever since Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow in March of last year and of course all of these other projects of the Russians and the Chinese have ongoing with each other They will have been worked on and discussed and debated and developed over the same period at least a year So even as the Chinese meet with Biden in San Francisco with the San Francisco summit even as they listen to Secretary Blinken and Secretary Yellen and to Macron and Scholz and Ursula von der Leyen and all of that Well, they carry on doing quietly that which they always said they would do forge ever closer relations with the Russians and telling the Europeans and the Americans basically to get lost and now they haven't just told the Europeans and Get and the Americans to get lost They've basically Stuck two fingers up with this joint declaration that we've just seen in Beijing all together the Neacons in the United States have done a brilliant job of uniting all of America's adversaries against the United States forging de facto alliances between them and transforming them from adversaries into enemies truly Outstanding statesmanship in every respect"




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Jeremy R. Hammond: “How Israel supported Hamas against the PLO”

"Since the Hamas-led attacks in Israel on October 7, 2023, Israel has been executing a devastating assault on the civilian population of the Gaza Strip, blocking humanitarian aid, internally displacing 75% of Gaza’s population, systematically destroying civilian infrastructure, and otherwise bombing indiscriminately. To date, over 34,000 Palestinians have been killed, including over 9,500 women and over 14,500 children.1 More than 10,000 additional Palestinians are missing under the rubble, and over 77,000 have been injured.2Children have been dying from hunger and malnutrition due to Israel’s use of starvation as a method of warfare.3

In a case brought against Israel by the government of South Africa, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has deemed Israel’s military operation a plausible genocide.4 The U.S. government under the administration of Joseph R. Biden has been absolutely complicit in Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity.5

In reporting on the situation, the American mainstream media has tended to start their timeline for reporting on October 7, with little to no historical context provided to help news consumers understand why Hamas’s armed wing would break through the armistice line fence surrounding Gaza to perpetrate what it called “Operation Al Aqsa Flood.”6

Editors at The New York Times even instructed journalists to avoid describing the West Bank and Gaza as “occupied territories” despite Israel being occupying power in both territories under international law, with its belligerent occupation ongoing now for nearly 57 years, leading UN bodies and international human rights organizations to describe itas an apartheid regime.7

Times reporters were additionally told not to use the term “ethnic cleansing” on the grounds that it is “historically charged,” even though about 80% of Gaza’s population are refugees or their descendants from the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine, which was the means by which the self-described “Jewish state” came into existence.8

The New York Times further instructed its reporters to restrict the use of the word “genocide,” along with “slaughter” and “massacre,” on the grounds that these words are “incendiary.”9 Meanwhile, TheNew York Times is fine with using the words “slaughter” and “massacre” when referring to Israelis killed by Palestinians. An analysis by The Intercept found that, in the pages of The New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times, “The term ‘slaughter’ was used by editors and reporters to describe the killing of Israelis versus Palestinians 60 to 1, and ‘massacre’ was used to describe the killing of Israelis versus Palestinians 125 to 2. ‘Horrific’ was used to describe the killing of Israelis versus Palestinians 36 to 4.” In fact, The Intercept found that as the Palestinian death toll climbed, mentions of Palestinians decreased.10

One particularly important piece of historical context that the mainstream media unsurprisingly omit from their reporting, with it only slipping out in very rare exceptions, is how the Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had long been effectively utilizing Hamas as a strategic ally to block any movement toward peace negotiations with the Palestinians.11

In fact, Hamas had been essentially nurtured by Israel since its founding in the late-1980s, at which time the Israeli government utilized the group as a counterforce to Yasser Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which had dangerously joined the international consensus in favor of the two-state solution to the conflict.12

A heightened threat of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians has always been a price that Israeli leaders were willing to pay to combat the threat of peace, which poses an obstacle to the Zionist regime’s territorial aims. Indeed, Israel has depended on the threat of terrorism to justify the persistence of its occupation regime and brutal oppression of the Palestinians.

The Founding of Hamas

In 1973, an Islamic charity organization named Mujama al-Islamiya was established in the Gaza Strip by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, whose family had fled to Gaza when Zionist armed forces ethnically cleansed their village during what is commonly known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.13 That is the war that resulted in the establishment of the state of Israel in 78% of the territory formerly known as Palestine.

The village where Yassin was born, al-Jura, was one of over five hundred Arab villages that the Zionists literally wiped off the map in furtherance of their goal to reconstitute Palestine into a demographically “Jewish state.” While the 1948 war is known to Israelis as the “War for Independence,” the ethnic cleansing by which Israel came into being is known to the Palestinians as Al Nakba, or “The Catastrophe.”14

The tale that we are routinely told by the Western mainstream media is that Arabs were the aggressors for having started the war by invading the newly created state of Israel. Supporting that narrative is the popular myth that Israel was established by the United Nations through a legitimate political process that the Arabs rejected for no other reason than that they hated Jews.

But that is all a lie. The truth is that UN General Assembly Resolution 181 neither partitioned Palestine nor conferred any legal authority to the Zionist leadership for their unilateral declaration of the existence of Israel on May 14, 1948, by which time over a quarter million Arabs had already been ethnically cleansed from their homes.15

The neighboring Arab states intervened to try to stop the ethnic cleansing, but they mostly failed. By the time it was over and armistice lines were drawn in 1949, approximately 750,000 Arabs had become refugees whose right to return to their homes was denied by the Zionist regime.

Having suffered a severe spinal injury at the age of twelve, Ahmed Yassin was a quadriplegic and wheelchair-bound for most of his life. In 1959, he went to Egypt and spent a year studying at university, but he lacked the funds to continue his academic career and returned to Gaza. The experience had left him deeply influenced by the Egyptian organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood, and he later became involved in the creation of a Palestinian branch of the group in Gaza.16

In 1978, Mujama al-Islamiya, or the “Islamic Centre,” was legally registered as a charity in Israel. The group built schools, mosques, and clubs in occupied Gaza.17“Crucially,” The Wall Street Journal reported in 2009, “Israel often stood aside when the Islamists and their secular left-wing Palestinian rivals battled, sometimes violently, for influence in both Gaza and the West Bank.”18

The internationally recognized leadership of the occupied Palestinian territories at the time was the secular Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) headed up by Yasser Arafat, a key founder and leader of the political party Fatah.

In 1984, Fatah tipped off the Israeli military that Yassin was stockpiling weapons, and he was arrested and jailed. According to David Hacham, who was then an Arab-affairs expert in the Israeli military, Yassin told Israeli interrogatorsthat the weapons were for use against his Palestinian rivals, not Israel. The following year, Israel released Yassin as part of a prisoner exchange agreement.19

In December 1987, a mass uprising of the Palestinian people against Israel’s military occupation began, which uprising became known as the first “intifada,” an Arabic word meaning “throwing off.”

In August 1988, a new organization founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin published its charter.20 The group went by the name “Hamas,” an acronym for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya, or the Islamic Resistance Movement.

Israel’s Initial Support for Hamas

At the time, The New York Times reportedhow Hamas had quickly become “a major force in the Gaza Strip,” causing “the first serious split of the nine-month-old Palestinian uprising.” Hamas was critical of the PLO, the Times explained, and posed a threat to its secular leadership. The Israeli government had “taken no direct action against Hamas,” which led to a belief among many Palestinians that Hamas was “being tolerated by the Israeli security forces in hopes of splitting the uprising.” This was a tactic, the Timesnoted, that Israel had used before.21

Israel viewed the PLO as a threat because of its movement away from armed conflict toward diplomatic engagement with the aim of establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel in just 22% of the Palestinians’ historic homeland.

Demonstrating this policy shift, in 1976, the PLO supported a draft UN Security Council resolution recognizing the Palestinians’ equal right to self-determination and calling for a two-state settlement. It was vetoed by the United States.22 In November 1988, the PLO officially proclaimed its acceptance of what is known as the two-state solution, an independent state of Palestine consisting of the West Bank and Gaza alongside the state of Israel.23 In December, Arafat again declared the PLO’s acceptance of the two-state solution before the United Nations General Assembly.24

The “Palestinian peace offensive,” as it was called in 1982 by Israeli strategic analyst Avner Yaniv, was problematic for Israel since the Israeli government rejected the two-state solution, which is premised on the applicability of international law to the conflict.25Accordingly, the two-state solution requires implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 242, which called on Israel in the aftermath of the “Six Day War” of June 1967 to fully withdraw its forces from the occupied Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.26

Israel had no intention of withdrawing its forces to its side of the 1949 armistice lines, which are also called the “1967 lines” or the “Green Line” for the color with which it was drawn on the map. The government had no intention of giving up on the Zionist dream of establishing Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel, in all of the former territory of Palestine—but withoutthe Palestinians.

Consequently, at the time, the strategy adopted by Israeli policymakers was to try to disarm the threat of peace posed by the PLO by undermining its leadership. As Yaniv had elaborated on the “peace offensive,” a moderate PLO “could become far more dangerous than the violent PLO of the previous years.” so it was necessary to “undermine the position of the moderates.” Israel therefore aimedat “destroying the PLO as a political force capable of claiming a Palestinian state.”27

To that end, during the First Intifada, Hamas was viewed as a useful tool to the Zionist regime.

This Israeli strategy was illuminated by Richard Sale of the United Press International (UPI) news service in an article published in 2001. Anthony Cordesman, a Middle East policy analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies, told UPI that Israel “aided Hamas directly—the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO.”

A former senior CIA official likewise told UPI that Israel’s support for Hamas “was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative.”

An anonymous U.S. intelligence source similarly told UPI that Israel was funding Hamas as a “counterweight” to the PLO and to enable Israeli intelligence to identify the most “dangerous hardliners” within the movement.28

Escalating the Threat of Terrorism

The predictable consequence of Israel’s policy of blocking implementation of the two-state solution by undermining the PLO was an increased threat of terrorism, but that was an acceptable risk in the calculation of Israeli policymakers.

As former State Department counterterrorism official Larry Johnson put it, “The Israelis are their own worst enemies when it comes to fighting terrorism…They do more to incite and sustain terrorism than to curb it.”29

This reality was more recently disclosedby David Shipler, The New York Times’ Jerusalem bureau chief from 1979 to 1984, who wrote a letter to the editor published on May 17, 2021, stating that,

“In 1981, Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, Israel’s military governor of Gaza, told me that he was giving money to the Muslim Brotherhood, the precursor of Hamas, on the instruction of the Israeli authorities. The funding was intended to tilt power away from both Communist and Palestinian nationalist movements in Gaza, which Israel considered more threatening than the fundamentalists.”30

The U.S. State Department, in a cablefrom the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv to the Secretary of State dated September 29, 1989, acknowledged that, despite having outlawed Hamas and imprisoning Sheikh Yassin under “administrative detention” without charge or trial, “some Israel officials indicated that Hamas served as a useful counter to the secular organizations loyal to the PLO.” Consequently, the State Department noted, “Israeli forces may be turning a blind eye to Hamas activities.”31

As I wrote in the first chapter of my book Obstacle to Peace: The US Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,

“That the real threat to Israel has been that of peace achieved through implementation of the two-state solution is well evidenced by its policies and their predictable consequences. This is oftentimes the only rational explanation for Israel’s actions. Its continued occupation, oppression, and violence toward the Palestinians have served to escalate the threat of terrorism against Israeli civilians, but this is a price Israeli leaders are willing to pay. Indeed, the threat of terrorism has often served as a necessary pretext to further goals that would not be politically feasible absent such a threat.”32

This was recognized within the Israeli government itself. In October 2003, for example, Moshe Ya’alon, the Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), criticized the policies of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon because they served to increase hatred of Israel and strengthen terrorist organizations.33

The following month, four former chiefs of Israel’s domestic security service, the Shin Bet, similarly criticized that Israel was headed in the direction of “catastrophe” and would destroy itself if it continued to take steps “that are contrary to the aspiration for peace,” such as the continued oppression of Palestinians under Israeli occupation. “We must admit that there is another side,” said Avraham Shalom, Shin Bet director from 1980 to 1986, “that it has feelings and that it is suffering, and that we are behaving disgracefully.”34


When Hamas was first founded in the 1980s, the Israeli government viewed it as a useful force to advance its policy aim of undermining the PLO, which was seen as a threat because of its acceptance of the two-state solution. Israel therefore effectively treated Hamas as a strategic ally to divide the Palestinian leadership.

Right up until the Hamas-led attacks in Israel in October 2023, Benjamin Netanyahu, who first served as Israeli prime minister in the late 1990s and has again been in power since 2009, maintained the Israeli government policy of utilizing Hamas as a strategic ally to block any peace negotiations with the Palestinians because Israel has always rejected the two-state solution.

The threat of terrorism was preferable, in Netanyahu’s calculation, to the threat of peace, and while the mainstream media never put it into this proper context, it is important to recognize that Hamas’s “Operation Al Aqsa Flood” on October 7, 2023, was blowback for this Israeli government policy."



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